12 Exciting Shots From The Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Trailer
We knew that Star Wars Celebration was going to have some surprises in store pertaining to Star Wars: Episode IX. Even after learning the official title of the film is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, thanks to a trailer showing the first footage from the film, were still stunned.
In particular, there are 12 moments in director J.J. Abrams new film that have caught our eyes and already planted themselves into our imaginations. Before we run through what weve noticed and why its exciting, take a look at the trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, in case you havent already done so, or want to go again.
Now lets dive into the most amazing pieces in this first look.
Rey Has Inherited Luke's LightsaberWe open the trailer with a good look at Daisy Ridley's Rey, who definitely seems comfortable with the mantle of being the best hope for the future of Force users. And as if that wasn't apparent by her confident stance and new wardrobe, the fact that she's using Luke Skywalker's legendary lightsaber is the icing on the cake. While this particular historical relic was seen snapped in half during Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it is part of a Jedi's training to build their own lightsaber; so this basically qualifies Rey's usage of the weapon more than anything else. Of course, with new adventures come new obstacles and old foes to present them. And it looks like Rey has spotted one such threat in this early moment.
An Interesting Rematch Between Rey And KyloIf you're still not convinced that the events of Star Wars: The Last Jedi have given Rey the skills she needs to be the sort of hero the galaxy needs, then this next scene should be all you need to dispel those thoughts. Her training has brought her to a point where she's able to do one hell of a flip with a lightsaber ignited, and she's about to give Kylo Ren something to think about. He might feel safe in that TIE Silencer of his, but lightsabers make quick work of pretty much any metal known to the Star Wars galaxy.
An Ice, New VillageIt could be the quickness of this rather weather-laden shot from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but it does look like it's snowing or icing pretty hard in this new location. While we don't have a name, we do have a look at this mountainous hideaway that looks like it's being approached by an A-Wing fighter. Wherever it is, we have a good feeling that we'll be meeting someone new in this location. The possibilities are as endless as the view, and just as breathtaking.
Kylo Ren Bodyslamming A RandoThe world has given Adam Driver's Star Wars villain Kylo Ren quite a hard time, as he sometimes comes off as a bit of a whiny fanboy to the Empire that came before The First Order. Well, it looks like people might want to start filing their apologies now, as Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker sees Kylo not only wielding his cross-hilted saber, but also slamming folks into the ground with it. And here we thought Star Wars: The Last Jedi might have calmed that temper just a little bit.
The Return Of Kylo Ren's HelmetWhat would Star Wars be without a villainous headdress to strike fear into the folks at home? Apparently Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker thinks that it would be a boring place, as co-writer/director J.J. Abrams looks to have resurrected Kylo Ren's helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. With a rather furry pair of arms working hard on welding it together, it looks like the original pieces from Kylo's big blow-up in the previous film may have been used to bring his original look back into vogue.
The Boys Are Back In TownSeeing John Boyega and Oscar Isaac clowning around on the Star Wars Celebration panel was enough to make us miss seeing Poe and Finn in action, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker looks like it knows that fact all too well. We not only got this awesome shot of the two friends/potential romantic partners standing out in the desert, but we also saw some pretty intense action involving what looks desert speeder bikes from the First Order chasing them through the sands of what could be Tatooine or Jakku. We can practically hear the quips already.
BB-8's Brand New FriendWe were introduced to BB-8's new friend at today's presentation for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and it wasn't a moment too soon as the new droid D-O was also seen in the film's teaser trailer. It's a simple moment, with both droids cocking their heads in interest, but it's absolutely adorable to watch. Of course, it wasn't too long ago that a new, rival droid for BB-8 was teased, only to show up for a paltry couple of minutes of screen time in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, so we're going to keep out hopes of seeing this little guy for too long in check. That being said, he's still adorable, and you're welcome for the BB-8/D-O desktop.
Lando's Back In The FalconThe look on Lando Calrissian's face as he's piloting the Millennium Falcon is what any Star Wars fan probably looks like when a new trailer is released. With Billy Dee Williams returning to his iconic role in the ship that once belonged to him in an earlier era of series lore, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker looks ready to put that smile on fans faces throughout this third installment of the final trilogy to the Skywalker Saga. And seeing Lando back in action definitely helps the corners of our mouths pull up in joy.
A Perilous Sand EscapeSo we'd like to talk a little more about that desert chase we saw in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's big teaser trailer. More importantly, with all of the laser blasts and explosions that we saw in this sequence, we also saw Finn and Poe joined by none other than C-3PO in this little journey. Knowing that the protocol droid is infamous for being 'a bit' of dramatic, as well as the fact that the two human characters involved are pretty funny whether they bicker or get along, has us thinking this could be one of the funniest scenes of the movie. But don't tell us the odds.
A Teary Reunion With General LeiaEver since the decision was made to use previously shot footage of the late Carrie Fisher to finish out this Star Wars trilogy, we've been wondering how that prospect might look on screen. Without question, what we've seen in the trailer to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has us convinced that not only is General Leia Organa's return to the battlefield going to look convincing, it's definitely going to make us cry. Rey's tears in the frame after this are pretty much our tears, as this fitting goodbye to a legendary character promises to be respectful, while also rewarding.
The Wreck'd StarThe last actual shot of action we have in this rundown shows Rey staring down the wreckage of what looks like a Death Star. Now there are a lot of questions this sort of image raises, such as which Death Star could this wreck be a part of? Did parts of Starkiller Base survive being destroyed, only to crash into this planet our heroes are visiting? We're inclined to think that this is an earlier Death Star, considering the moment after this shot is a couple frames of darkness that are accompanied by the laughter of deceased Emperor Palpatine. Of course, as Luke taught us in The Last Jedi, no one's ever really gone; and that door looks like it opens both ways.
That Title Looks BeautifulWe finally have a damned title for this movie. After countless references to what was previously known as Star Wars: Episode IX, we can finally call this movie by its proper given name. From where we're standing, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker sounds a lot better, as it definitely fits into the pattern of titles in this trilogy, and it just sounds momentous. How will Skywalker rise now that Luke's dead? Is this now a title bestowed upon people in a new order of Force users? Is Rey's parentage going to be retconned to make her part of the family?
We may not have the answers to this questions just yet, but being able to ask fresh queries about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker feels almost as good; especially with images like this accompanying them. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will burn brightly in the name of the Resistance on December 20.
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